Update #12

 to all of the parents who have signed and returned the Progress Reports you received the week before Thanksgiving.  
If you have not had a chance to check your child's binder, please take a moment to read, sign, and return his/her Progress Report.

A Friendly Reminder
"My Thanksgiving Customs" Book
Due this Friday
Congratulations to the following students and their families for being proactive and already turning in their books! 
Beni Castro
Zoe Smith
Kayla Moody
Hayden Hassen

The Center for Puppetry Arts
Thursday, Dec. 6th
Be on the lookout for a pink bag lunch form.
Please check whether your child will be purchasing a bag lunch from the Addison Cafeteria or bringing a bag lunch from home.
Then sign and return by this Friday, Nov. 30th.
If your child is bringing a lunch from home, please make sure ALL containers are disposable, including water bottles.

Everyone can come in their P.J's
Parents come do some holiday shopping 
while the kids enjoy fun, holiday activities and shop!
Craft Fair-Breakfast-Raffle-Holiday Shoppe-Story Time-Edible Crafts- Games-         
 Proceeds from this event go to support PTA

to the following students for getting a 100% 
on their Sight Word Spelling Test!
August Words
Adrian Caned
Vincent Holmes
Ava Smith
September Words
Beni Castro
Audrey Smith

Wag to Go 

to the following students for completing the
Thanksgiving Break Reading Challenge!
Adrian Canedo
Beni Castro
Adamaris Martinez
Kayla Moody
Hannah Nelson
Zoe Smith
If you haven't turned in your form, there is still time.  
They are due tomorrow.

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