Update #2
Congratulation to ALL of our Kindergators!
They ALL turned in their homework journal yesterday!!
ALL students were able to move their names up the rainbow 1
space! Some students moved their names
all the way to Purple for completing both homework choices!
A big THANK YOU to all of
the parents, too, for providing the support and encouragement your children needed
to accomplish this task!
Here is what we will be learning about this week:
- Reading- Retelling fiction stories. Students will be practicing identifying the characters, setting, important events, problem and solution of a story.
- Writing- Writing a story with a beginning, middle and end.
- Math- Rote counting, counting objects, number recognition, and number writing.
- S.S.- American Symbols – comparing and contrasting our National and State flags
- Science- Matter- comparing and sorting objects made of different materials.
Just a few reminders and notes:
- News Flash: The sniffles, coughs, and runny noses have hit our classroom.
- Please put a check in the box for each assignment completed, especially the reading, because we have no other way of knowing if it was completed.
- Please be sure to empty the front pocket of your child’s Take Home Binder and sign/initial your child’s agenda daily. Any important notes or messages to you will be found in one of those two places.
- You may have noticed little mini-books in your child’s binder. These are a great review of our sight words and can be used during reading homework time. I suggest you keep them stored in a Ziploc bag and have your child read them to or with you each evening.
I scream, you scream, we all
scream for Ice Cream!
- Kindergarteners may now begin buying ice cream on Fridays, only.
- If you would like your child to purchase ice cream on a particular Friday, please write it in his/her agenda on the Friday he/she can buy it.
- If you would like your child to be able to buy ice cream EVERY Friday, please write a note stating that in his/her agenda or send me an email.