Update #10
2nd Quarter standards to reinforce at during homework time
Identify all upper case and lower case letters
· Produce 23 or more consonant sounds
Produce 3 out of 5 short vowel sounds
Know 25 or more sight words
Recognize rhyming word pairs
Prints 23 out of 52 letters
Write letters for most consonants and short
· Recognize
and name ending punctuation ( . ! ?)
Count to 100 by 1’s
Count up to 20 objects
Compare two numbers and two sets of up to 10
State street address, county, country
Identify the 5 senses with corresponding body
Describe how different cultures celebrate the
holiday season
Identify and describe Columbus Day, Veterans
Day, Christmas, and New Year’s Day
Compare and describe different types of motion
Describe patterns and objects in the day and
night sky
We are so proud of the following student for
"Beginning with the End in Mind" at home!
Adrian, Beni, Nora, Kayla, Audrey
To our first 2 students to earn a 100% on the
September Sight Words Spelling Test
Hayden Hassen
Megan Kurniwan
Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer!
Thursday, Dec. 6th
Please sign and return the permission slip and payment for our upcoming field trip by Friday, October 26th.
Mark Your Calendar
Oct. 25th Peace, Love, and Pizza Night
Oct. 26th Boovie Night / Puppetry Arts Permission Slip/Payment
Oct. 31st Happy Halloween
Nov. 6th No School - Teacher Professional Learning Day
Nov. 8th Chick-Fil-A Night
Nov. 15th Teriyaki Madness Night
Nov. 16th Progress Reports
Nov. 19-23 Thanksgiving Break