Update #5

Family Fun Carnival
Friday, Sept.14th
Hope to see you there!!

Way to Go Kindergators and Thank you Parents for our continued homework success!
We had 16 out of our 19 students who did Extra Homework!
Their faces were beaming with pride!
Don't forget to bring in homework journal tomorrow.

The following students were caught being Proactive at home!
Hailey, Hayden, Adamaris, Kayla, and Beni

Lots of learning this week:
ELA- We continue to use our sight words and decoding skills to read and write.  Students learned the different between "Fake Fiction" books and "Real Reading" books.  We also explored the connection between the illustrations and the text of our books.
Math- Students studied and explored 2D and 3D shapes.  
S.S.- We compared and contrasted the USA Flag and the Georgia Flag.  Students also learned the meaning of those important words in the Pledge of Allegiance.
Science- In the Science lab students used their 5 Senses to explore the physical properties of matter.  We also had fun using the physical traits of matter to guess each other's "mystery object".

Calendar Updates
Sept. 15th- East Cobber parade 10:00am
Addison's CEOTY (Classified Employee of the Year) and 
TOTY (Teacher of the Year) will be in the parade.
Sept. 17th- Foundation catalog sales
Sept. 19thArt Barn Field Trip
Sept. 24th - 28th - September Break
Oct. 11th - Early Release Day
Oct. 15th - Oct. 19th - Conference  Week-Early Release

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