Weekly Update #1
Dear Kindergator Parents,
Hello. It was wonderful to meet you at Meet &
Greet last week, and it has been very exciting to work with your children! We
drew a picture of ourselves, read about a “Officer Buckle and Gloria” which
lead into a discussion about how rules keep up safe. We met and read
about a “Ginger Bread Man” who got loose in the school. This led us on a
“wild goose chase” to find him and ended up taking us on a tour of all the
special places in our school. We chatted while we ate our snack, had fun
during recess (in the gym), and had more fun chatting with our new friends at lunchtime.
On Wednesday and Friday, we ended our day in the gym for PE, and on Thursday,
we went to Art. We have been very busy every day!
There are a few things I would like to ask of you,
1. Please send your child in with one snack each day. They may also bring in a water bottle, if they would like
one (Please label all water bottles). Show the student what their snack is and
where it was placed in their backpack to avoid confusion. 2. Just a reminder – the cost of student meals are as follows: (If your child brings their lunch, please write in your child’s agenda, if they are to buy milk from the cafeteria.)
Breakfast- $1.50 Lunch- $2.35 Milk- $0.65
3. Our specials schedule is Monday – MUSIC,
Tuesday- PE, Wednesday – PE, Thursday – ART, and Friday- PE Please have
your students wear sneakers on P.E. days.4. Our lunch time is at 10:42-11:12. You are welcome to join your child for lunch on any day. We just ask that you do not bring in any outside food, and you sit at the guest table.
5. This coming week, please allow your child to walk to the classroom on their own. This will help them learn our morning routine and gain confidence in themselves.
6. We do have a quiet/rest time each day. It lasts about 20-25 minutes. Please send in a towel
7. Please be sure to write any dismissal changes or any other important information, in your child’s agenda. We check agendas daily, and ask that you do the same, and then sign/initial on that day.
Thank you so much for coming to Meet & Greet and for sharing your children with us.
We hope to see you this Thursday from 5pm-6pm Kindergarten Orientation!!