Thanksgiving Lunch Schedule *Tuesday Nov. 13 th - Kindergarten* & 5 th grades Wednesday, Nov. 14 th - 3 rd and 4 th grades Thursday, Nov. 15 th - 1 st and 2 nd grades My Thanksgiving Customs Project Information Sheet will be in your child's take home binder this week. Project is due November 30th. Your child may use the booklet provided or create one of his/her own. (Even a digital booklet with real photographs would work!) Their completed project should have: A title and cover for the booklet. 2 drawings or pictures of Thanksgiving foods they traditionally eat in the booklet. 2 drawings or pictures of the people they spend the day with in the booklet 2 drawings or pictures of customs/practices your family has for Thanksgiving Day in the booklet. These are the things we will be looking for when we grade this project: • Completion • Wor...
Important Reminders No backpacks or lunchboxes are allowed for the last day of school. If you child is bringing a lunch on Wednesday, please make it a sack lunch. Kindergarten-2nd grade Awards Day will be Wednesday, May 22nd at 9:30. Please plan on arriving early for parking. Last Day Picnic Lunch - After the Awards Ceremony, we will have a class picnic on the back playground. Please let us know if you intend to bring a lunch in for your child that day or have them purchase one from the cafeteria. 5th Grade Walk of Honor - Addison has a last day tradition of honoring the fifth grade graduates with a walk of honor and then giving a big fun send off to the buses.
May 8th - Party Animals In-House Field Trip. Permission slip and payment of $5 is due by May 1st.. May 9th - The Gator Gala, our celebration of leadership and learning. Pre-ordered Chick-Fil-A dinners are available for a picnic on the grounds starting at 5pm. Event starts at 6. Kindergators will start the show with the Pledge of Allegiance and Star Spangled Banner. Families can complete different activities around the school. Addison students will perform the song "To Make You Proud". May 13th - K-2 Field Day Pack a change of clothes and a water bottle Cover your child in sunscreen. Coach Golden -- Field Day t-shirts are available. Orders with $10 payment are due Monday, April 29th. May 14-17 - Parent Pedagogy Week - Please consider joining us to share your talents, a story, a craft, etc... Please email me, if you are interested. May 22nd - Awards Day - Early Dismissal - Last day of school. Kindergators who know ALL 100 sight words ...